
Shaun, 4 March 2020

Trevor’s skill in rapid transformational therapy has had a profoundly positive impact on my life, happiness and wellbeing.

Through his unique abilities I have been able to move some very old roadblocks that have been holding me back, preventing me from growing and developing in both my personal and professional life. Now these have gone, life keeps getting better every day and new opportunities are appearing. More importantly, I now have the tools and self-belief to take them on, whereas in the past I would have let them pass me by or pretended they weren’t there. I shall always be grateful for Trevor’s help in bringing about such a life enhancing change.

Belinda, 9 April 2020

People need Trevor’s skills now more than ever. Trevor supported me, through coaching to re-centre and work out my life priorities, and those within my work environment – something that I think everyone will need coming out of Covid-19. Trevor is so important to me and to many others in helping us live our best lives. Thank you for being such an incredible influence on my life – please share your gift with others.

Tiina, 18 April 2020

Trevor Torrance gets my highest recommendation as an executive coach who in a short space of time was able to help me illuminate my blind spots, elicit deep reflection and develop the skills needed to achieve sustainable success. What makes Trevor an outstanding executive coach is his ability to listen, ask insightful questions to identify areas of change and improvement, and then provide expert practical analysis advice and sound strategies that actually work to execute those changes.

At every session using his experience and invaluable insight, Trevor restored balance and strengthened and fortified my practice. In less than 3 months, Trevor helped me make significant improvements in my own understanding of myself and my leadership practice as well as develop a suite of personally tailored techniques to assist with future decision making and interactions. 

I would highly recommend Trevor to anyone looking to improve their self-knowledge and leadership practices. I have become a believer in the benefits of having an executive coach, even more so during these times of radical change and work environments, and Trevor excels in this role.

Sammy, 23 April 2020

Keeping small doesn’t keep you safe – it keeps you stuck. This was pointed out to me by Trevor this week in our RTT session – that I had to ‘tune up’ my mindset.

I wanted to make sure there was nothing from blocking me from continuing to move up levels in my business and help more women. What came up in my session stemmed from school yard bullying and having teachers who put me in the spotlight where I felt vulnerable and unsafe. In all of these experiences I kept small to keep myself safe, I had no voice and felt I couldn’t speak up to help myself or be punished, I was fearful of, or being rejected, I felt that I wasn’t worthy or enough.

Trevor brilliantly put the spotlight on these beliefs systems that were holding me back and worked with me to reframe my beliefs to know that keeping small doesn’t keep me safe, it never did. That I am worthy and deserving of everything in life – money, success, happiness and love. That I am rejection proof because the only person that can reject me, is me and I won’t do that and that I am powerful and absolutely enough.

The results were immediate. In less than 24 hours I raised my charge-out rate and had two new clients that day and the next day two new speaker spots on other successful women’s Facebook groups.

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